Z6 ikke godkendt af ITU?

Desværre ser det ud til at formalia måske ikke var i orden for den nylige Kosovo EME operation. Dog skal det siges at kilden til nyheden nok kan mistænkes for en smule bias, så endelig bekræftelse fra anden side afventes. Der  har tidligere været lignende kontroverser om f.eks Syd Sudan, som til trods herfor endte med at ST0 blev godkendt til DXCC. Det sidste er formentlig ikke sagt omkring Z6 som DXCC.

I skrivende stund er det ikke muligt at downloade ITU Operational Bulletin No. 1149 fra ITU’s hjemmeside, så nyheden kan ikke bekræftes fra ITU.

Se nedenfor nyheden fra Southgate ARC:

ITU officially confirms: Z6 prefix is illegal

In a repost by YT9TP (Serbia) it would appear that the International Telecommunication Union has officially confirmed use of the Z6 prefix is illegal.

This from ITU Operational Bulletin No. 1149, June 1st 2018.

Call sign series can be allocated only to the administrations of the ITU Member States by world radio communication conferences or, between
radio communication conferences, by the ITU Secretary-General.

In this respect, the attention of the ITU administrations is drawn to the
fact that ITU has not allocated call sign series Z6 to any of its Member States. Consequently, the utilization of call signs series Z6 by any entity without a formal allocation and consent of the ITU represents an unauthorized and illegal usage of this international numbering resource.

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