Basic Contest Rules


The  participants have to calculate the points themselves. Points are calculated in the following order:

  1. Calculation of QSO-points for all contacts
    a) Calculation of distances between stations
    b) Rounding of distances to km-points
    c) Multiplication of km-points with multiplier
  2. Count the number of valid WWLs and bonus-points, if used
  3. Sum of QSO-points and bonus-points into total-points


Calculation Of Distance Between Stations

To calculate the distance between two stations the exchanged WWLs are needed. The following method apply:

  1. Conversion of WWLs into latitude and longitude
  2. Insertion into the distance formula

Conversion of WWLs into latitude and longitude

For WWLs the following apply:

  • Valid WWLs are from AA00AA to RR99XX
  • The latitude and longitude are found in the middle of the exchanged WWLs

Example of latitude and longitude in the middle of the WWL:

WWL: JO55WW => 11° 52′ 30″ East = 11,875°
55° 56′ 15″ North = 55,9375°
JO65FR => 12° 27′ 30″ East = 12,4583333333333…°
55° 43′ 45″ North = 55,7291666666666…°

Using the distance formula

To convert degrees into kilometer a factor of 111,2 is used.

Distance = 111,2*arccos(sin Bm * sin Bn + cos Bm * cos Bn * cos(Lm-Ln)), where

Bm = latitude for station 1
Lm = longitude for station 1
Bn = latitude for station 2
Ln = longitude for station 2

Note: Decimal degrees for latitude and longitude are used, not degrees, minutes and seconds. Many computers/compilers uses radians instead of degrees.

Example of conversion of the above WWLs JO55WW and JO65FR:

Bm = 55,9375°
Lm = 11,875°
Bn = 55,72916666666°
Ln = 12,45833333333°

results in a distance of 43,17 km.

Rounding Distance To km-points

km-points are the rounding of the distance between two stations. km-points is a positive integer, i.e. no decimals. The distance is rounded per commenced km as follows:

Distance [km] km-points
0,00 1
1,01 2
1,40 2
1,49 2
1,50 2
1,99 2
2,00 3
2,49 3
2,50 3

Example using the above WWLs and distance:

Distance from JO55WW to JO65FR => 43,17 km => 44 km-points.

Multiplication Of km-points With Multiplier

km-points are multiplied with the multiplier into claimed points for the actual QSO, named QSO-points. If the multiplier is not directly specified it is set to one (1).


From JO55WW to JO65FR and multiplier equals 5 => 43,2 km => 44 km-points => 5 x 44 km-points => 220 QSO-points.


This paragraph applies only if bonus points are used.

Bonus-points can be claimed for each new square worked, also own square.


The following WWLs have been worked: JO45; JO66; JO75 and each new square is valid for 500 bonus-points. The bonus sum is therefore 3 x 500 = 1.500 bonus-points.


The sum of all QSO-points and bonus-points, if used, is called total-points.


QSO-points = 1.234
Bonus-points = 1.500
Total-points = 2.734


The contest manager may disqualify participants in case of:

  • Deliberately neglecting the rules of the contest
  • Deliberately neglecting the current bandplan
  • The submitted log is incomplete or misguiding

The contest manager’s decision is final.


All QSOs, containing 100% correct information and is not a duplicate QSO are valid. Only QSOs worked without using active repeaters or EME are valid.

Only single band QSOs are valid, i.e. cross band QSOs are not valid.

A QSO is only valid with one callsign from the calling station, no matter where this station is operating from: at home, portable, mobile or another country, e.g.: …/A, …/MM, DL/…


Invalid QSOs

Invalid QSOs are:

  • Duplicate QSOs
  • Incomplete QSOs
  • Obviously wrong WWL
  • The time difference is more than +/-10 min

Points cannot be claimed for an invalid QSO, neither QSO-points nor bonus-points.

In case points are claimed for an invalid QSO, 10 times the claimed points, also bonus-points, will be deducted from the total-points

Erroneous QSOs

An erroneous QSO is a contact with minor errors in the exchanged information, e.g.:

  • Callsign
  • Rapport(s)
  • QSO number, if used
  • WWL

An erroneous QSO will only give a penalty to the “receiving station” and all points for that contach will always be lost.


All modes are permitted, provided the current band plan, as recommended by Region 1 and/or national radio amateur organisation/local authorities, is followed.

All modes belong to the same section, e.g. SSB and CW QSOs are in the same section, cross-modes QSOs are permitted.


Separate logs shall be maintained for each band.


All times must be recorded in UTC, 0000-2359.


Summary and QSO log sheet must be printed “in portrait format”, A4 or equivalent. Logs printed on endless paper must be separated before submission.

Summary sheet

All paper logs must be submitted with a summary sheet with the following information as a minimum:

  • Contest name
  • Contest date
  • Own callsign
  • WWL
  • Address-QTH
  • Band or frequency
  • Section
  • Responsible operators callsign, name and address
  • Station description (TX-RX-antenna etc.)
  • Best DX (ODX, station, WWL, distance)
  • Responsible operators signature

A Region 1 Cover Sheet or close similar is preferred.

QSO log sheet

The worked QSOs must be listed on a QSO log sheet with a header containing the following information as a minimum:

  • Own callsign
  • WWL
  • Band or frequency
  • (Date)

The QSO log sheet must as a minimum contain the following columns in the listed order:

  1. (Date)
  2. UTC
  3. Callsign of calling station
  4. Sent report
  5. Received report
  6. Received WWL
  7. Claimed points
  8. New WWL mark
  9. (Column for used band in microwave multi band section)
  10. Empty column (used by contest manager)


In case the contest manager is capable of receiving electronic contest logs (EDI) he/she must specify in which format this can take place, however, REG1TEST is recommended.

The format(s) used may be obtained from EDR VHF Committee.

Updated: 15-01-03

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