VIGTIGT! Region 1 har brug for at høre din mening

Den nyligt nedsatte contest komite i Region 1 spilder ikke tiden. De har iværksat en undersøgelse blandt alle vushf-contest deltagere i Region 1. Læs mere og deltag i undersøgelsen nedenfor.

Dear contester,

you are invited to take part in the survey about IARU R1 VHF/UHF/Microwaves contests, first of its kind in their 61 years long history.

As you may know, the IARU R1 General Conference in Landshut this year formed the “C5 Contest Working Group” with the task to manage the IARU R1 VHF/UHF/Microwaves contests. Our goal is to bring the contest organization to a higher level so that the number of participants would increase. Contests are very important means of using our bands and this is even more so on microwave bands. We really want to hear your thoughts about VHF&up contesting.

To start a survey, follow this link:

Survey will close on 30th of November 2017. Forward this invitation to all hams that are interested in contest matters.

We are very thankful to DARC for their support.

Do not reply to this email.

C5 Contest WG Chair
Robert Vilhar, s53ww

2016_iaru_vhf_contest mailing list

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