At the nordic vushf meeting in Kalundborg, we had in accordance with tradition the open meeting between the nordic VUSHF managers and the active amateurs. At the meeting hot topics on e.g. the international regulation of our bands, contest rules, news from IARU region 1 or just new ideas are being discussed. 40+ amateurs from OZ, SM, LA and OH attended the meeting and as usual the discussion was lively with lots of input. Among the topics this year where how do we handle FT8 in contests, the new modes like FT8 may challenge what we define as a QSO, what is the status for the 13 cm band etc.
Below you can find the introductory slides and notes from Mats SM6EAN as well as slides from OZ1RH Palle on a new idea for a reverse beacon network on VUSHF.
Notes VHF managers meeting Kalundborg 2018
Beacons should be shut down final
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