The Nordic VUSHF Meeting May 24-26 2024 -registration almost closed

Invitation to The 44th Nordic VUSHF meeting May 24-26 2024

On behalf of the Danish VUSHF amateurs it is our pleasure to invite all interested amateurs to the Nordic VUSHF meeting in Kalundborg May 24-26 2024. Below you will find the main details about the venue and the program. You are also welcome if just for a visit to the flee market and lectures.
We look very much forward to seeing you in Kalundborg (JO55MQ).

Danhostel Kalundborg Vandrehjem, Stadion alle 5, 4400 Kalundborg. The hostel is a modern and comfortable hostel with all facilities needed for a good meeting. This includes indoor and outdoor areas, meeting rooms and dining hall. The rooms are comfortable with individual bathrooms and showers. The venue is in the middle of historic Kalundborg, and the surrounding country side is one of the most scenic parts of Zealand. The meeting may be a good occasion to take a few extra days of vacation.

Preliminary program
Below you will find the preliminary program. The activities include lectures, flee market, excursions, building contest, an active VUSHF station (including the new ICOM 905) and meeting your amateur friends. The program will be updated on a continuous basis as the details are confirmed.

15:00- Check inn
19:00-21:00 Dinner -Barbeque beer and ham talk
07:00 – 09:30 Breakfast
09:30 – Flee market start
09:30 – Measurement lab opens
10:45 – 11:00 Coffee bar open
11:00 – 12:00 Lecture: Design your own multi-purpose and low-cost RF-tool by OZ2M
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 13:45 Lecture: Assistance -or how to get those extra points. The pros and cons of VUSHF contest supporting software and other tools by SM6VTZ
13:45 – 14:00 Coffe bar open
14:00 – 14:45 Lecture: Oscillator Phase Noise – and the importance of Allan Deviation, what is the influence on the very weak signals we often listen for, and how do we measure and describe Phase Noise. This lecture will include theory and Lab Measurements. Bring your own frequency reference for test, by OZ5TG
15:00 – 16:30 International building contest -don’t miss it!
16:45 – 18:00 Open Nordic VHF-manager meeting
19:00 – HAM Dinner
08:00 – 09:30 Breakfast
10:00 – 11:30 Scenic/social tour
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 End of meeting


You can choose between a 2-bed room, a 4-bed room and a 5-bed room. The 4- and 5-bed room includes single bed and bunk beds. There is a limited number of rooms, and they will be available on a first come first serve basis. If you require different accommodation, please contact us as there are both bed & breakfast, ordinary hotels and camping grounds in the area.

1 person for 2 nights in a 2-bed room, all meals included 2350 DKK (300 EUR). If you would like to share room with a spouse or fellow amateur please notify about their name upon registration and payment. SOLD OUT

1 person for 2 nights in a 4-bed room, all meals included 1650 DKK (221 EUR). If you would like to share room with 3 amateur friends please notify about their name/callsign upon registration and payment. SOLD OUT

1 person for 2 nights in a 5-bed room, all meals included 1550 DKK (208 EUR). If you would like to share room with 5 amateur friends please notify about their name/callsign upon registration and payment. SOLD OUT

Only few beds left -please write to to inquire about availability

Bed sheets are included with the accommodation.

Food only (all meals) 900 DKK

Ham dinner Saturday 300 DKK (sign up for the ham dinner will depend on available seating, the registration for the ham dinner only will open later)

Beer and wine in connection with meals in the dining hall to be bought separately.

Registration and payment

You registrate here  Only few beds left please inquire directly to

See who has already registrated :

At registration write special dietary requirements. Registration and payment are due at the latest April 15 2024. After this date we can no longer keep our room reservations. Early registration is most welcome, to help the organizers please pay no later than 2 weeks after your registration.

Cancellation. If you have signed up and need to cancel your participation, you can get a full refund until April 15 2024. After this date no refund will be possible, as we need to pay the youth hostel regardless. However, you are welcome to sell your participation to another person.

Danish participants can pay via mobile pay 40898932 or bank transfer. Upon payment write your call sign and name.

Bank transfer: Acount # 5470 4183561, IBAN DK5254700004183561, SWIFT-address/BIC NYKBDKKK

Registration is only valid when payment has been received. You will receive a confirmation of your payment and final registration, when we have received payment. This may take a few days for international bank transfers.

Payment for participation is to be received no later than April 15, 2024.

Cancellation: Full cancellation and return of payment is only possible until April 15 2024. Partial refund for meals can be obtained until May 1.



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The Nordic VUSHF Meeting May 24-26 2024 -registration almost closed — 3 Comments

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