Nye IARU retningslinjer om koordination af satelitter

Der sker meget på satellit området i disse år. Ethvert universitet med respekt for sig selv opsender mikrosatelitter med undervisningsformål for øje. En stor del af disse benytter amatørfrekvenser, og det er ikke tydeligt hvem der egentlig koordinerer disse. IARU har derfor ændret sine retningslinjer for koordinering af satelliter. Læse mere nedenfor.


International Amateur Radio Union
P.O. Box 310905
Newington, CT 06131-0905 USA
Email: secretary @ iaru.org

30 June 2017
For immediate release

IARU Aligns Satellite Coordination Guidelines with ITU WRC-15 Decisions

As the global federation of national associations of radio amateurs in more
than 150 countries, the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) for many
years has provided frequency coordination services for amateur satellites
free of charge. Often these satellites are constructed by students at
universities and other institutions as a part of their educational
experience. In general, they have been licensed to operate in the
amateur-satellite service, which is defined by the Radio Regulations of the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as having the “…purpose of
self-training, intercommunication and technical investigations carried out
by amateurs, that is, by duly authorized persons interested in radio
technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest.”

Some administrations have issued experimental licenses for such satellites
operating in amateur-satellite frequency bands. The IARU has coordinated
these satellites as well, to reduce the possibility of harmful interference
that might result from uncoordinated operation. Since 1 July 2014 it has not
been possible to coordinate experimental satellites in the 144-146 MHz band
because of the high probability of harmful interference in this heavily used

Educational satellite projects have grown in popularity as launch
opportunities have increased. In 2012 the ITU World Radiocommunication
Conference took note of the proliferation of what in Resolution 757 (WRC-12)
it called “nanosatellites and picosatellites” and invited WRC-18 (now
scheduled for 2019) to consider steps to facilitate their deployment and
operation. Two Reports, ITU-R SA.2312 (09/2014) and ITU-R SA.2348 (05/2015),
are instructive regarding the characteristics, definitions, spectrum
requirements, and notification procedures of and for such satellites, which
generally must use spectrum below 1 GHz for operational reasons.

At the following WRC in 2015, in place of Resolution 757 the Member States
of the ITU adopted Resolution 659 (WRC-15) in which it was noted that the
use of 144-146 MHz and 435-438 MHz by non-amateur satellites is not in
accordance with the definition of the amateur-satellite service in the Radio
Regulations. Resolution 659 cites the two reports mentioned above and makes
it clear that the spectrum needs of what are now called “non-geostationary
satellites with short duration missions” should be met either within the
service in which the space station is operating or within the space
operation service. Further, if new or upgraded allocations to the space
operation service are required, studies should be limited to the frequency
ranges 150.05-174 MHz and 400.15-420 MHz.

Accordingly, effective 1 August 2017 the IARU will be following revised
guidelines for satellite frequency coordination.

The strong preference is for all satellites using spectrum allocated to the
amateur and amateur-satellite services to operate under amateur licenses and
within the definition of the amateur-satellite service and the
service-specific Article 25 of the Radio Regulations. The IARU believes the
definition is sufficiently broad to encompass nearly all educational
satellite projects that include giving students hands-on experience with
radiocommunication and are conducted under an amateur license.

The IARU will only coordinate a non-amateur satellite if an administration
directs in writing that it be operated in an amateur-satellite band under an
experimental or other non-amateur license.

Satellites with combined amateur and non-amateur missions will continue to
be coordinated.

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