IC-9700 og WSJT opsætning

Med de nye SDR transceivere er hardware interface mellem transceiver og computer ikke længere nødvendige. Den resterende udfordring er opsætningen af transceiver og programmerne. W6PQL har begået en pædagogisk vejledning for IC-9700.

BEMÆRK: WSJT-X programmet skal sættes til IC-7300 og ikke IC-9700. Årsagen er ukendt, men ellers virker det ikke.


Setting up the IC-9700 for WSJT-X

note: for WSJT-10.0; after you make the initial MENU SET CONNECTORS adjustments on the 9700 listed just below this sentence, skip to this section

These settings were done using a USB cable connected to my computer. Begin by adjusting the settings in your 9700. I’ll only be listing the changes from the default settings here:


MOD input
1. USB mod level = 30% (you may need to adjust up or down a bit for proper transmitting power range for your PC and WSJT-X or WSJT-10.0)
2. DATA mod = USB

1. CI-V Baud Rate = 19200
2. CI-V address = 94h
3. CI-V USB Port = Link to (REMOTE)
4. CI-V DATA Baud Rate = 19200

Next, set up WSJT-X by editing the following three tabs. You can get to them from the file – settings menu in WSJT-X; don’t forget to add your call sign and grid square

The port settings you see here may differ on your computer…you may need to experiment to find the correct ones. One way to find them is to look at the com ports available in your computer’s device manager before plugging in your USB cable. Then plug it it (with radio on) and see which ones get added to the list. Those will be the ones to choose.

You may also need to add additional 2m, 70cm and 1296 entries into the Frequencies tab for FT8 or other modes to be available from the small drop-down menu at lower left on the WSJT-X main screen.

Setting up for WSJT-10

For this older program, mainly used for EME (because the sensitivity is perceived to be a bit better), I had to take the following steps beyond the normal instructions K1JT provides on the WSJT-10 help screen:

  1. On my computer, my COM port numbers were labeled 262 and 263; WSJT-10 can’t handle these larger numbers, so I reassigned these ports to COM 1 and COM 2, which were available unused ports on my PC. I used the device manager to do so, and a reboot was required to make them work.
  2. On WSJT-10, SETUP OPTIONS: set the PTT port to 1; this will map PTT to COM 1 as set in the previous step
  3. on the IC9700, I also made the two following additional changes to settings:
    • MENU SET CONNECTORS USB SEND/keying Inhibit Timer at USB Connection: set this to OFF. This setting solves the 5 second xmit delay problem experienced by many users.
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