Så er alle OY beacons samlet i radiodomen oppe på fjeldet og tilbage on air. Efter et par voldsomme julestorme var både radiodomer og beacons beskadiget. OY9JD Jon har fået dem flikket dem sammen og igen sat dem i drift. OY6BEC 50.035 MHz, OY6BEC 70.035 MHz OY6BEC 144.402 MHz og OY6BEC 432.885 MHz.
På billedet ses de 4 beacons inde i radiodomen og OY9JD’s hund.
Hits: 828
Can you confirm whether the OY6BEC beacon is still operation on 144.402 MHz
I have frequent and strong signals on 6m and 4m in JO01, but haven’t heard anything on 144.
25th July 2017
Latest news from the OY’s is the the 144 MHz beacon is not running at the moment, only 6m, 4m, 70 cm and 23 cm are the beacons QRV. Will look for more info and post it here on the website.
call is not oz6vhf but oy6bec on ip62 on 144.402MHz
Thanks for comment, typo now corrected.