Ny FT8 procedure -forslag fra LA0BY

FT8 har mange fordele, men en af udfordringerne er at al trafik foregår på en og samme frekvens rigtig høj aktivitet med kraftige og svage stationer på samme tid. LA0BY Stefan foreslår en QSY procedure hvor man i test mode skriver den frekvens man lytter på. Så i stedet for at kalde CQ TEST OZ1FDH JO65 skrives der f.eks CQ 163 OZ1FDH JO65 hvor man angiver at der lyttes på 144.163MHz. Ved svar på opkald QSY’er man til 144.163 og gennemfører QSOen der. Det er meget lig MS proceduren som har været brugt i årtier med godt resultat.

Stefan skriver i sit opslag på 144 MHz Europe DX på Facebook:
Some days ago I proposed here to use a QSY-procedure in FT8, similar to what has already been used in FSK441 and MSK144 for a long time. It works as follows:

By calling CQ xxx LA0BY JO59 in FT8 on 144,174 MHz I indicate that I listen on xxx (the QSY-frequency) for any callers. The QSY-frequency could perhaps be in the range 160 to 190? My transceiver operates in Split-mode while I am calling CQ (TX on 174 and RX on xxx). Once I get a reply, I move also my TX to xxx and the QSO is completed on the QSY-frequency in Simplex-mode.
I tried using the QSY procedure yesterday in NAC and it worked surprisingly well. It was no problem to define the QSY frequency in the FT8 formatting of MSHV. I selected EU VHF contest as activity mode and replaced “TEST” with the QSY-frequency in TX7 (I used 161 for some spacing to 174). Not sure if TX would QSY by clickling on the message (I do not control my XCVR from MSHV). But I noticed that not all respondents moved their RX to the QSY-frequency as some obviously did not receive my message with report to them. I think if more stations would use that procedure it would be understood and accepted rather quickly by the whole user community. We should also explain the procedure in the relevant media. I will definitely use it during the next tropo opening, as it gives me a QRM-free frequency in FT8.
So I suggest you try and practice it yourself. This will improve the QRM situation in FT8 considerably and will help you to work more DX.
73, Stefan (LA0BY)
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Ny FT8 procedure -forslag fra LA0BY — 1 Comment

  1. Thanks Stefan, I has forwarded this information to the locals to think and to accept (I hope). CU on the air!
    73, Remi LY8O / LY2WR team

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