Mere om de nye VHF bånd i Irland

Dave EI3IO skriver følgende:

Dear All

The Amateur Service in Ireland has recently been authorised to use additional low VHF spectrum on a secondary basis in the frequency bands 30-49 MHz and 54-70.5 MHz.  IRTS is now consulting with interested parties on how this spectrum should be used. The IRTS Committee has therefore convened a sub-committee with the task of developing initial band plans as well as developing and planning suitable beacons for propagation research. A document has therefore been prepared which includes at Annex 1 and Annex 2 draft band plans for 42 – 44 MHz and 54 – 69. 9 MHz. This is intended to start and stimulate the necessary discussions within Ireland as well as with interested parties outside Ireland e.g. IARU VHF/spectrum managers in countries having frequency allocations or assignments to the Amateur Service in the range 30 – 49 MHz  and 54 – 69.9 MHz, as well as to the Chairman of the IARU Region 1 VHF and Microwave Committee.

The document referenced above can be downloaded from the IRTS web-site Please address any comments you have to the email address of the IRTS sub-committee

73 Dave EI3IO

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