Masser af vigtige nyheder fra IARU

IARU Region 1 VUSHF newsletter nr. 87 indeholder rigtig meget vigtigt og interessant stof denne gang, bl.a masser af nyt den 25ende (virtuelle) IARU konference. Den nye formand for VHF+ komiteen PA2DW Dick præsenterer sig selv, og ON4AVJ Jacques takker af af efter 2 års dedikeret indsats.

Der er ved at komme styr på contestrobotten, og som noget nyt skal alle logs uploades senest mandag aften kl 23:59 efter testen, dvs. senest 34 timer efter testens afslutning. Man er (endelig) gået fuldt ind i den digitale tidsalder.
50 og 70 MHz testerne flyttes til hver deres weekend og der er flere relevante ændringer i båndplaner m.m.

De næste par år bliver kritiske for at sikre vores fortsatte adgang til 1296 MHz. Fra IARUs side tager man situationen særdeles alvorligt. De direkte opfordringer til handling er ikke til at tage fejl af:

The following actions should be taken to fully underpin the IARU volunteer team effort addressing the potential WRC-23 related threats to the amateur services in the 1240-1300MHz band. Coexistence between the amateur and amateur satellite services and theradio navigation satellite service has become a global ITU-R topic relevant across the entire IARU:

• Member Societies actively take action to engage with their national administration to promote the IARU position on the development of the regional CEPT and global ITU-R regulatory deliverables.

• Member Societies promote the views of their national amateur community with their national administration.

• Member Societies actively engage in setting the national and regional brief for the regulatory and ITU-R preparatory work that will take place in all RTO’s across all Regions.

• Member Societies proactively engage with their national administration and RTO’s regarding progress of the work regionally and globally.

• Member Societies remain vigilant and ready to react to any early proposals to downgrade (or remove) the national amateur services allocations in their respective countries ahead of the conclusion of the regulatory work.

• Member Societies widely publicise the amateur community views (both the IARU position and their national amateur community) – e.g. national newsletters etc.

• Member Societies take these actions urgently.

• Member Societies should report back to IARU R1 SRLC on a regular basis or as appropriate.

Læs hele nyhedsbrevet nedenunder.

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