Nyhedsbrev nr. 86 er på gaden. Der er detaljer omkring forholdsregler vedr. corona pandemien, beretning fra de Italienske aktivitetscontester som ser kraftigt stigende deltagelse, sameksistens mellem radioamatører og navigationssatelitter på 23 cm samt meget mere.
Specifikt om contests og multioperatørklasser står følgende:
“In Corona times the contest working group discussed this item via mail. The advice was that we need to comply with most of the guidelines of our countries. Therefore this year there will be no Multioperator categories during de 50/70 MHz IARU-R1 contest in June. We know that some countries are less strict that others about social distance and other restrictions. Those kind of restrictions could be in advantage of some multi-op stations, and this would not be fair. We advise all Member Societies to promote this year the Single operators to participate to this contest. About the 144MHz contest in September and the UHF/SHF/μWave contest in October the decision will be taken a month in advance if Multi operators will be allowed.”
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