De franske telemyndigheder fortsætter deres bestræbelser på at industrien kan få adgang til 144 MHz. Til CEPT mødet har de fremlagt nye dokumenter hvor de argumenterer for deres sag. Hovedargumentationen er som følger:
The need for new VHF spectrum is anticipated knowing the expected growth of the considered aeronautical applications. The WRC-23 agenda item actually proposes to study spectrum needs for such new non-safety aeronautical mobile applications for air to air, ground to air and air to ground communications. France notes that no recent studies related to future aeronautical mobile applications, other than those related to safety applications, were conducted by the previous WRCs.
It is anticipated that not all the VHF bands under study will be finally authorized for sharing. Furthermore some restrictions will be defined by the WRC-23 limiting the number of accessible channels within each band and defining regulatory constraints to ensure compatibility with existing services. Such limitations and regulatory constraints will differ depending on the nature of the targeted band, either already allocated on a primary basis to the mobile except aeronautical mobile (resolves 1 of draft Resolution), or studied for possible new allocations to the aeronautical mobile service (resolves 2 of draft Resolution). The proposed methodology will be to define, for all considered VHF bands, the amount of accessible spectrum and the associated regulatory constraints. It is anticipated that only a combination of these portions of bands will be able to cover the spectrum need for the various data rate/elongation scenario. Imposing a priority in the targeted bands will jeopardise the feasibility of covering the need.
Argumentationen holder ikke vand udfra et faktuelt standpunkt. Det samme kan opnås uden amatørbåndene. Tag ikke fejl af de pæne ord. Det vil medføre massiv QRM at have hundredvis af sendere i 1 km højde eller mere. Hvorfor denne interesse fra især fransk industri for amatørbåndene. Også for Gallileo satteliterne var franskmændene meget aktive. Der er formentlig en årsag som ikke er nævnt, nemlig prisen for adgang til frekvenserne. En delt allokation vil næppe skulle afregnes i milliardklassen, som det er set ved tidligere frekvensauktioner. Læs mere nyt fra CEPT mødet som starter idag her.
Hits: 289
Der må være 6 lande, der er i opposition til forslaget, og så kommer der ikke mere ud af det, ikke sandt?
Der skal være flere end 6 d.v.s mindst 7.