Nu er Es’hail satelitten kommet i luften. Det bliver meget spændende at se om den kommer ordentligt op i den geostationære bane og sidst men ikke mindst om den også fungerer som den skal. Med en geostationær satellit åbner der sig en helt ny verden for radioamatørene. WU1Y har skrevet en rigtig god artikel om design af en jordbaseret repeater som linker til Es’hail.
In 2018 Es’Hail-2, the first satellite to provide Amateur Radio Service fromGeostationary Orbit will be launched from Florida. The satellite’s narrowband and wideband transponders will cover about 1/3 of the globe. Most two-way amateur to amateur communication will take place through the satellite’s nar- rowband linear transponder. This paper explores means to expoit the satellite’s wideband transponder to provide two- way digital voice communications with the aid of a DVB-S2 repeater located at a relatively large earth station on the ground. This mode could provide digital voice and data service between modestly equipped stations while paving the way for the digital satellite based repeaters that are planned for future AMSAT satel- lites
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