Besøg en contest station -og live score i region 1 testen


5P5T er som vanligt QRV d. 2-3 september i Region 1 144 MHz testen fra Kongsbjerg på Møn. Besøg er meget velkomne. Ring evt. 40898932 for hjælp med at finde vej. QTH’en er afmærket på kortet nedenfor.


Live score

Der er som vanligt mulighed for at følge slagets gang for nogle af stationerne, se nedenfor

Dear friends of VHF-contesting,

we would like to invite you to the contest livescoring provided by We, DR9A, DA0FF and some other stations (notably OE1W and
DL0GTH) used it during the last september contest and it made the
contest even more exciting for us.

So it would be a pleasure to see all of the top stations on that
livescore. You may find it here:

On you’ll find
instructions how to submit your score automatically with your logging
application. If you have any question, don’t hesitate to ask us.

See you in contest and hopefully on livescore!

Alex, DL8AAU of DR9A
Jan, DL2ZXA of DA0FF

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