AGCW nytårs test

Som vanligt er der CW test på 144 og 432 MHz den 1 januar. Aktiviteten er ganske fornuftig og der er måske udsigt til gode forhold. Se Hepburn tropo forecast og regler nedenfor.

Dear OM/XYL/YL, ALL-Contest’er,

It’s that time again.

On 01-Jan-2019, the AGCW VHF/UHF Contest opens again.

The AGCW would like to cordially invite you to participate in this contest.

The contest is at 1400 – 1659 UTC, Frequenzy between 144,025 – 144,150 MHz and
at 1700 – 1759 UTC, Frequenzy between 432,025 – 432,150 MHz.

The exact Rules are to be found here:

Incoming e-mails are not confirmed, the logs are listed here received timely:

I wish all participants good luck and a lot of fun.
The logs must be received no later than Monday 15-Jan-2018

Please send your email log to:

vy 73/55 de Manfred, DK7ZH
AGCW VHF/UHF Contestmanager

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