1 MHz – 6 GHz RF Powermeter med AD8318

SV1AFN er leveringsdygtig i mange forskellige spændene projekter.

Her har DL2SBA lavet et powermeter (1 MHz – 6 GHz,  -65dBm – 0 dBm) med et af SV1AFN’s print og en Arduino.


A cheap Arduino can benefit of the 12-bit resolution of the on-board AD7887B ADC and the ultra low noise and ultra high stability ADR421B V-REF, the new AD8318-MD Module is equipped with, and if powered by the amazing software work of Dietmar, DL2SBA, to make a really nice RF Power Meter. Today, only the
calibration routine is missing, which is currently under development together with an RF Power Calibrator.

For schematics and full description, please visit my website here


Makis, SV1AFN


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