ICOM 9700 pre-release info

Så har Icom frigivet pre-release info om ICOM 9700. Det må være lige op over… Bemærk at i Japan er det en 50W udgave, mens det i resten af verden er 100W på 144/432 MHz og 10W på 1296 MHz.

Icom Inc. Releases IC-9700, Supreme VHF/UHF Base Station Amateur Transceiver, including the 1200 MHz Band


Category 144, 430, 1200 MHz <SSB/CW/RTTY/AM/FM/DV/DD>
50 W TRANSCEIVER (for amateur use)
Product Name IC-9700

Icom Inc. (Headquarters: Hirano, Osaka, Japan/President: Masataka Harima) will begin selling the IC-9700, 144, 430, 1200 MHz all mode transceiver in January 2019 in Japan. Delivery times may vary, depending on the country or region.

The IC-9700 is the first VHF/UHF transceiver introducing the RF direct sampling system for the 144 and 430 MHz bands, a real-time spectrum scope and waterfall function. The RF direct sampling system has achieved a high evaluation in Icom’s IC-7610 and IC-7300 HF transceivers, and the spectrum scope and water fall function have been indispensable tools to increase QSO opportunities, without missing weak signals. The radio has various features, such as a built-in 1200 MHz band, 4.3 inch TFT color touch screen display, full duplex with Dualwatch on separate bands, Satellite mode, D-STAR DV (Digital Voice) /DD (Digital Data) modes and Terminal/Access point modes. In addition, a newly designed power amplifier and cooling system provides stable and high-efficiency operation, even when continuously transmitting for a long time.

The IC-9700 is the perfect side-by-side companion to the IC-7300 HF radio. They are the same size and have almost identical ergonomics. Using the IC-9700 and IC-7300 creates an ideal, compact radio station covering the HF, 144, 430 and 1200 MHz bands. The IC-9700 is the one and only VHF/UHF all mode transceiver that enables a variety of VHF/UHF operation, like DX, contests, satellite/EME and D-STAR.


  • RF direct sampling system (144 and 430 MHz bands)
  • Triband (144, 430 and built in 1200 MHz bands) and all modes, including AM and DV/DD
  • High-speed real-time spectrum scope and waterfall function
  • Large 4.3 inch TFT color touch screen display
  • Full duplex with Dualwatch on separate bands
  • Satellite operation friendly functions
  • D-STAR DV (Digital Voice) and DD (Digital Data) modes
  • Receives and demodulates two signals simultaneously in the D-STAR DV mode
  • Built-in gateway function application for Terminal/Access point modes
  • Newly designed power amplifier providing stable and high-efficiency operation

New Product Information:

144, 430/440, 1200 MHz All Mode Transceiver
IC-9700 (265KB)


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