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EDR July 6 Hours VUHF
EDR July multi VUHF
EDR July single VUHF
NAC-Micro Open

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Danish VUSHF Page



PARTICIPANTSEDR hereby invites all licensed radio amateurs outside Aaland, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden to participate in the NRAU Activity Contest - Open Class.
DATE & TIME- 144 MHz, on the first Tuesday in every month
- 432 MHz, on the second Tuesday in every month
- 1,3 GHz,  on the third Tuesday in every month
- Microwave, on the fourth Tuesday in every month (not on December 24.)

- 50 MHz, on the second Thursday in every month

- 70 MHz, on the third Thursday in every month

1900-2300 Danish local time, CET.

SECTIONS2X) Open Class 50 MHz
80) Open Class 70 MHz
4X) Open Class 144 MHz
6X) Open Class 432 MHz
7X) Open Class 1,3 GHz
82) Open Class 2,3 GHz
83) Open Class 3,4 GHz
84) Open Class 5,7 GHz
85) Open Class 10 GHz
86) Open Class 24 GHz

Single and multi operators participate in same section.

CONTACTSEach contacted station counts only ones even if it is /A, /P etc.
Duplicates must not be deleted from the log, but shall be listed as a normal QSO with zero (0) points. In case points are claimed for a duplicate QSO, ten times the claimed points will be deducted.

Entries must contain contacts with at least ONE locator square (JO65, JO66, etc) covering Nordic territory, with a Nordic station. Any stations outside the Nordic countries can be worked, and will also count. All operation in accordance with IARU Region 1 bandplans. No contacts via active repeaters or EME are allowed.

EXCHANGERS(T) and Locator, e.g. 549 JO55WW. No QSO no. is needed!
POINTS50, 70, 144, 432, 1296 MHz
1 point/km + 500 bonus points per WWL.

1 point/km * band multiplier + 500 bonus points per WWL, regardless of band. Band multipliers:
- 2,3 GHz * 2
- 3,4 GHz * 3
- 5,7 GHz * 4
- 10 GHz * 5
- 24 GHz * 6 etc.

ADWARDSIn the annual result only the nine best contests are evaluated. The first three stations in each section, and the best station in each country, will receive an EDR Contest Award.

Logs, must be in REGION 1 format – REG1TEST. The log must be submitted to EDR’s robot atVUSHF.DK.

The file must be an EDI file, the same as in normally sends to the Contest Manager. Read the message from the contest manager here
It is important that PBand and PSect in the log file matches the test you want to upload, and that time is in utc. Else the system will not accept your log. Which class PSect must be set to can be found in the rules.
e.g 144 MHz open class :
PBand=144 MHz
PSect= 4X

COMMENTSSee also "EDR Basic Contest Rules".

Last update: 2015-01-05