QSO statistics


--------------- DXCCs Worked ----------------------
OZ:   2    PA:   1    

-------------- Squares Worked ---------------------
JO33: 1    JO55: 1    JO44: 1    

              QSOs   QSO Pts   SQRS     Score   DXCC   AVG DX     ODX
Claimed          3       386      3       386    2      128.7Km    278Km PI4GN/JO33II
Calculated       3       386      3      1886    2      128.7Km    279Km PI4GN/JO33II

-- Calculated TOTAL score differs from claimed TOTAL score by 1500

"59(9)" received:    100%
"59(9)" transmitted: 67%


WARNING: TDate indicates that this log starts on '20240707', while the selected contest starts on '20240706'

                                              Points           RS(T)
QSO# Time         Callsign        Locator   LOG  ROBOT Mode   TX  RX  DXCC, Additional information from parser
#001 240707 06:12 PI4GN           JO33II    279    279 CW     529 599 PA (Netherlands) 
#002 240707 10:49 OZ3VC           JO55PL    102    102 SSB    59  59  OZ (Denmark) 
#003 240707 12:04 OZ1DGN          JO44XW      5      5 SSB    59  59  OZ (Denmark)